Faster Ready add-on for Blender
Hi guys, I used Blender 3 years and finished some characters.
And I realize that some steps I can make faster with scripts. So, I made an add-on name Faster Ready. And I wanna share with you that add-on.
This video tutorial about workflow and add-on(Vietnamese):
INSTALL: File-> Preference -> Add-on -> Install -> Choose -> Enable this.
When I finish modeling, I realize that have a lot of objects, I just duplicate and remove some modifiers. I will have a perfect low object. So, the function below help you do that faster.
The first, take all objects of your work inside a collection(Not master collection). Choose that collection and press the Get Ready button.
- Get Ready button(View 3D -> Right bar-> Ready Faster tab) will:
* Duplicate and rename high, low collections.
* Set random vertices color(for baking).
and some options for your choice like:
* Clear parent and keep transform.
* Turn off auto smooth on low collection.
* Auto UV at sharp edges
* Apply rotation and scale
* Config object's name at here:
Name config options
Working functions( Press E in object mode to open Pie menu):
- Show/Hide high/low collection: It will let you faster for show/hide high/low collections and analyst when some objects on high/low missing.
- Sort high/low objects:
- Change Root Object: Apply changer of low to high and root objects
- Reload from root object: Reset low object like a root object.
- Join objects: High and root objects also join effect too.
- Create a new root object: Create a new root and high object from the selected object.
- Export low collection: An export low collection with the FBX format and apply all modifiers
- Export low(for bake): An export low collection with the FBX format and No apply all modifiers
- Export high collection: An export high collection with the FBX format and apply all modifiers
Auto Materials:
Set a link of textures and press Find and create materials. It will find all materials on that folder(include subfolder).
It works by name, follow the default name export by Document Chanel on Substance Painter. And it supports UDIMs too.
Example: Checker_Base_Color_1001.png - MaterialName_TextureType_UDIMsID.extention.
File format supported: png, jpg, jpge, psd, tga, tif.
That's all the functionality in my add-on. I have a lot of ideas to develop and upgrade it so I will develop more for it in the future when I have time.
Please let me know your opinion on this add-on and support me if you can. I am so happy about that.
Thanks for your attention.
1.1 Version Update:
+ Can change textures type suffix.
+ Set location of Udims id.